Sunday 29 October 2023

Maverick @KoochehChannel Accused Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi I of the 1979 Revolution in Iran

Maverick @KoochehChannel Accused Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi I of the 1979 Revolution in Iran – House of Intellectual (


I do not mind constructive criticism; it helps oneself to improve. However, I am afraid I have to disagree with @KoochehChannel YouTube blogger for accusing Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi of causing the 1979 Revolution in Iran due to his modernization policy of Iran.

مقاومت دلیرانه دختران شایسته ایران در مقابل دیکتاتور دیوانه در زادروز محمدرضاشاه پهلوی!!! - YouTube

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi I succeeded his father, Reza Shah the Great, as the King of Iran. Reza Shah the Great inherited Iran from the Qajar Dynasty, which ruled from 1789 to 1925. Unfortunately, during the Qajar Dynasty, Iran's fortunes began to decline due to poor management of both domestic and foreign policies by the ruling elites.

To name a few, the Qajar Dynasty poorly managed their statecraft, Iranians did not have access to clean water, and Iranians suffered from environmental issues which affected their health—foreign powers like England and Russia plundered Iran's wealth. 

One vital point to remember is that a New World Order was emerging in the region during the time of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey. Atatürk modernized the country by moving it away from religious values and towards European values. He changed Turkish letters from Arabic to European-style letters and implemented other measures to reflect European style and culture.

Reza Shah the Great was moving Iran toward modern Iran and not a European way of life. Reza Shah the Great never changed Persian letters to preserve Iran's cultural heritage. The King was a strong supporter of social justice. However, England, Russia and the US curbed the King's plan for the modernization of Iran during World War Two. They attacked Iran and caused Reza Shah the Great to abdicate the throne in favour of his son Mohammad Reza Pahlavi I to ascend to the Peacock Throne.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi I's first wife, Fawzia of Egypt, could not stay in Iran because Iran did not develop like Egypt. 

As a result, Iran was way behind the times, and Iranians lived in poor conditions. Even in today's time, Iran's infrastructure is going to be the time when the Pahlavi Dynasty built Iran's infrastructure. The Islamic Republic of Iran's actors are wasting Iran's resources and causing environmental degradation with their mindless policies and misallocating of precious resources.

Coming to the focal point, why Iranians went against Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi I? Political philosopher Machiavelli suggests that people revolt against their masters if they realize that they can improve their situation. Iranians followed this principle when they rebelled against Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi I.

The Western countries wanted to avoid the Middle East becoming economically prosperous, as it would have threatened their economies. During the reign of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi I, Iran made remarkable economic progress, which alarmed the Western nations. In response, the Western media began to spread negative propaganda about the Pahlavi Dynasty, accusing the King of embezzlement and human rights violations. Khomeini, whom the West supported, gained popularity among Iranians because they believed he was a descendant of Mohammad and wouldn't lie. Khomeini promised a free-ride society to Iranians by toppling the Pahlavi Dynasty as Iranians came out of their homes and caused unrest in Iran, and the King left Iran.

Machiavelli's theory suggests that people change their masters when they think they can improve their situation. This idea holds true across all cultures. In Ontario, Canada, Mike Harris of the Conservative Party won the election for Premier's Office by promising to boost the economy through cuts to social programs. The people of Ontario voted him into power, and he formed a majority government and started slashing social programs. However, this did not result in economic prosperity for the people. Instead, they experienced poverty, while Harris's friends were appointed to Crown Corporations and given other high-paying jobs. Despite this, in the following election, Harris offered voters $50.00, and they re-elected him with an iron fist to rule Ontario.

Justin Trudeau, the current Prime Minister of Canada, is aware that he may not be able to form another government and, therefore, is proposing a Basic Universal Income to gain public support and secure votes during the upcoming election.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi I played a significant role in modernizing Iran and ensuring peace and security in the region during his reign. However, the Iranian people were responsible for their actions during the 1979 Revolution, as their primary motive was to improve their financial situation. Unfortunately, their participation in the revolution resulted in significant losses for Iran, as they became the biggest losers in the political game.

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Senator Lindsey Graham @LindseyGrahamSC & his Maverick Strategy

 Senator Lindsey Graham proposed a maverick strategy to resolve the current conflict between Israel and Palestine by launching rockets at Iran's oil refineries. However, a reasonable person would advise against it, as the missiles would hit the oil refineries and cause an oil shortage. This, in turn, would increase the demand for oil in the global market, leading to a rise in oil prices. The increase in oil prices would cause further inflation in the economy and directly affect the quality of living.

Senator Lindsey Graham @LindseyGrahamSC 👑 - YouTube

Senator Lindsey Graham and others are exacerbating conflict through war and economic degradation.

Soraya | Full Hallmark Movie | Epic Drama | Complete Mini Series | Anna Valle

 Soraya | Full Hallmark Movie | Epic Drama | Complete Mini Series | Anna Valle – House of Intellectual (

I recently watched the movie "Soraya," which portrays the life of Soraya Esfandiary-Bakhtiari, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's second wife. The film narrates the story of Ms. Esfandiary-Bakhtiari, who initially refused to meet the King and become his wife. However, her father convinced her to meet the King, and it was love at first sight for Esfandiary-Bakhtiari when she met the King.

Soraya | Full Hallmark Movie | Epic Drama | Complete Mini Series | Anna Valle - YouTube

After the devastating aftermath of the war, the King and Empress of Iran sought to achieve two goals: to unite the nation and to modernize it. Unfortunately, Major-General Ali Razamara, who served as the Prime Minister of Iran, was assassinated. In his place, the King and Empress appointed Mohammad Mussadiq as the new Prime Minister of Iran. 

The King and Empress of Iran demanded a larger share of the country's oil from England, believing that Saudi Arabia received a much larger share from the US. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Mussadiq wanted to nationalize Iran's oil reserves, giving the country full ownership of the resource. However, England imposed an economic embargo on Iran in response, leading to the country's economic collapse.

During a political conflict, the King and Empress of the country met with Mussadiq, the Prime Minister, and asked him to resign. However, Mussadiq refused to leave his office and demanded complete control of the system from the King. The King declined his request, and the Empress accused Mussadiq of causing political tension between them.

The King met with General Fazlollah Zahedi, a senior military officer who organized a coup d'état to remove Mussadiq from his position. The King issued a royal decree to General Zahedi, instructing him to request Mussadiq's resignation. However, when General Zahedi arrived at Mussadiq's residence, he was apprehended by Mussadiq, who was aware of his intentions.

Mussadiq made a radio broadcast calling for the arrest of the King. The King and Empress left Iran for Italy, where they were greeted by Enrico Mattei, an Italian public administrator tasked with dismantling the Italian petroleum agency Agip after World War II. However, Mattei instead enlarged and reorganized it into the National Fuel Trust.

Mossadegh's actions in Iran prevented foreign oil companies from accessing Iran's oil, resulting in his eventual coup.

The King and Empress returned to Iran and worked to modernize the country, hoping to prevent the Seven Sisters Oil Companies from monopolizing Iran's oil.

Enrico Mattei struck a deal with the Seven Sisters oil companies, the King and gained a stake in Iran's oil, which pleased the King as it prevented a monopoly on Iran's oil.

The King had a pressing need for a male heir to the Peacock Throne, but unfortunately, the Empress was unable to conceive a child, which created complications in their marriage. Despite this, the King loved his country and his wife dearly. To achieve his goal of having a son, the King thought of marrying another woman, but the Empress, who had received an education in Europe, disapproved of this idea. As a result, their marriage fell apart, leaving the Empress heartbroken.

One crucial element added by the movie to the story of the King is that the US and UK always threatened the King with their military powers, indicating that they would attack Iran and depose the King like his father.

The Empress Soraya Esfandiary-Bakhtiari never married and dedicated her life to acting. 

Wednesday 4 October 2023

People Are Leaving Canada

People Are Leaving Canada – House of Intellectual ( 

For over a decade, many Canadians have been leaving their home country to start a new chapter of their lives in European nations. This growing trend of relocation shows no signs of slowing down.

The current climate of instability has caused some YouTube bloggers to create video clips insinuating that immigrants are leaving Canada without proper explanation. However, the truth is that immigrants leave Canada for various reasons, and it's not always because they don't want to stay after working hard and leaving their home country. Understanding the diverse circumstances that lead immigrants to make such decisions is essential.

This paper discusses the history of Canada and explores the impact of Canada's accommodation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's power elite on inflation.

The history of Canada is built on the shoulders of First Nations, and the kidnapping of African people from their homelands—European settlers in Canada began to murder First Nations in cold blood and claimed their lands. 

The land required farmers to plant seeds and grow crops. White Europeans did not want to work hard, and their hands got dirty. So, they sailed the ocean and went to the continent of Africa.

Europeans kidnapped people from Africa, brought them to Canada, forced them to work on their lands for food and shelter, and faced harsh labour without any safety or security. People worked on the lands as enslaved people, and they developed a system to break away the chain of slavery. 

The First Nations and enslaved people caused Canada's economy to boom only for white people. Europeans in Canada used the legislative bodies to keep the First Nations and slaves in vulnerable conditions by passing laws such as residential schools and discriminatory laws.

Europeans in Canada used Chinese and Japanese as a scapegoat to solve their problems. Between 1881 and 1885, more than 17,000 men of Chinese origin arrived in Canada to work as labourers on the western section of the transcontinental railroad. White engineers gave them liquid dynamite to enter the caves and open the mountains to expand the railroad. Unfortunately, most of these labourers never made it back alive.

In early 1942, the Canadian government forcefully detained and dispossessed more than 21,000 Japanese Canadians, which amounted to over 90% of their population living in British Columbia. This detention was carried out under the War Measures Act and lasted throughout the Second World War.

Unfortunately, Canada has continued to uphold its racist beliefs even in contemporary times. In 2001, an article published by the Toronto Star revealed how the Toronto Police Services were involved in racial profiling. However, the issue was not just limited to the police force. An investigation by the Ontario Ombudsman uncovered that ethnic minorities were also subjected to racism in academic institutions and other areas of society.

The issue of gaining employment in Canada is sensitive as it often requires having personal connections. White Canadians call it "networking," whereas ethnic individuals call it "nepotism." This practice has gone unchecked, leading to racial disharmony in the country. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) continued their predecessors' economic dominance, leaving others with little opportunity to succeed.

As a result, many high-end jobs in Canada require higher education, but some are obtained through nepotism.

There are three main reasons why White Canadians are allowing newcomers to come to Canada at this time. Firstly, many white Canadians prefer not to work in blue-collar jobs and would rather have newcomers fill those positions while they work in white-collar jobs. Secondly, newcomers are often seen as cheap labor for white Canadians. Lastly, many newcomers tend to vote for the N.D.P or Liberal parties, as opposed to conservative parties, due to the conservative parties' anti-immigrant stance.

In this section, we will delve into the reasons behind the inflation rate in Canada. The Ukraine and Russia wars have disrupted fuel supplies and wheat from Ukraine, one of Canada's main reasons for inflation. This paper will explore several other factors contributing to Canada's inflation rate in this paper.

"Canada's oil, natural gas, and coal resources make it one of the world's most attractive energy centres for continuing investment and development." "Canada is the fifth-largest exporter of agri-food and seafood in the world, behind the EU-27 block of countries, U.S., Brazil, and China, and exported to nearly 200 countries in 2022."

Therefore, Canada must avoid any fossil fuel or food shortage. On the contrary, Canada must have plenty of food and low fuel prices.

A reasonable person would ask, why is Canada having an inflation problem?

In the 90s, following the collapse of communism in Russia, the Canadian power elite and those around the world no longer feared the spread of communism. It began to exploit the housing market in Canada.

During the 90s, former Ontario Premier Mike Harris of the Conservative Party caused a housing crisis by cutting social safety networks. The other premiers from other provinces began to do their slashing on social programs. While attending the University of Toronto, I read Jean Jacques Rousseau's work, which advocates for the abolishment of private land ownership as it is the root cause of social inequality.

Due to government inaction, the lack of affordable homes in the provinces of Canada reached epic proportions. Homelessness became a prevalent issue as people could not afford shelter. The United Nations criticized Canada in 2009 and 2010 for not doing enough to solve this issue.

The Canadian power elite started buying properties without selling them, leading to a supply shortage and increased demand for property. Around five years ago, while in Vancouver, BC, at around 8:30 p.m., I noticed that apartment buildings were facing a vacancy rate of about 90% because they didn't have their lights turned on. 

The power elite developed a tactic against Chinese people as a fifth column in Canada, causing a housing shortage in major cities. The power elite used newcomers as scapegoats to cover up their economic crimes.

Canada's economy rapidly declined after collaborating with the power elite of the Islamic Republic of Iran by providing elite accommodations. It is a commonly known fact that Canada has become a destination for investors from the Islamic Republic of Iran, particularly in the real estate industry.

Canada's economy could not absorb money, and it caused its fragile economic wheels to fall apart.

To conclude, Canada's premiers, including Mike Harris, have effectively handed the country over to the wealthy elite to exploit others through housing shortages. They blame newcomers who have purchased properties in Canada but have not fully utilized them. This tendency to blame newcomers has its roots in the early days of European settlement, where they exploited the natural resources of newcomers and placed the blame on non-white people.

The housing shortage in Canada benefits the powerful and prevents newcomers from immigrating to Canada due to racism and lack of meritocracy.

Sunday 1 October 2023

Welcoming Afghan People to Iran

Welcoming Afghan People to Iran – House of Intellectual (

The Islamic Republic of Iran collaborated with the US to install the Taliban in power in Afghanistan. As a result of the Taliban's rise to power, Afghan people lost their safety and security, leading many of them to flee the country in search of a new home. Iran shares a national border with Afghanistan, and they share a common language and cultural background, which is why many Afghans are immigrating to Iran.

The Islamic Republic of Iran allows many Afghans to immigrate to Iran to use them as a suppressive force during the national uprising. As a result, Iranians are fearful of Afghans in Iran.

The primary strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is allowing Afghan immigrants to Iran to distract the minds of Iranians from contemplating any freedom movement. Thus, the regime in Iran is controlling the minds of Iran.

Iranians can use the occasion to turn the tide by welcoming Afghans to Iran and illustrating how the Islamic Republic of Iran exploited Afghans during Syria's war. 

Therefore, Iranians must not play in the hands of the Islamic Republic of Iran. They must use every opportunity against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Welcome Afghan people to Iran and tell them how evil the Islamic Republic of Iran is.

One point Iranians need to understand is that Afghans have immigrated to Iran since 1979, when Russia invaded Afghanistan. 

Afghan people play a significant role in their Adopted land, like Member of Parliament Maryam Monsef. Let's act savvy and not play a game in the hands of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

From Masih Alinejad to Ali Alizadeh Sole Leader King @PahlaviReza II

 The US economy nourishes its economy on the blood of the innocent by supporting terrorism and perpetual war policies worldwide, as confirmed by Dwight Eisenhower’s 1961 warning about the Military-Industrial Complex.

The US is well aware that the Islamic Republic of Iran will collapse at some point in the future because Iranians are awakened that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the source of destruction, domestically, regionally and globally. The US needs the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Middle East to support its military-industrial complex.

As Iranians are ploughing their way to bring down the Islamic Republic of Iran, the US began to invent Masih Alinejad as an alternative leader for the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Like the 1979 Revolution, the US installed Khomeini in power in Iran.

The US plans to manufacture Masih Alinejad as a leader for the post-collapse of the Islamic Republic of Iran failed because Iranians used social media platforms like Twitter and revealed to the world that Masih Alinejad was not the leader of Iranian dissidents. Alienjad was a puppet of the US and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Alinejad failed out of grace.

Ali Alizadeh is like Masih Alinejad, who lives in London, England and does not work. He receives funds from the Islamic Republic of Iran to act as the fifth column of the Islamic Republic of Iran in London, England.

Alizadeh worked hard by spreading propaganda that the Islamic Republic of Iran was the only choice for Iranians because removing the Islamic Republic of Iran would lead to civil war in Iran. He worked toward a fear strategy and tried to keep the fascist regime in power.

During the Women, Life, Freedom revolution, he worked tirelessly to maintain the status quo in Iran. However, he failed to convince Iranians that the regime in Iran must remain in power.

Once the mullahs in Iran realized Alizadeh no longer could do their job. The regime in Iran accused Alizadeh of taking sides with the “Women, Life, Freedom” Revolution.

Last, as the US and the Islamic Republic of Iran’s pawns are falling due to two facts: the power of social media and Iranian awareness not to accept puppets as their leaders, naturally, King @PahlaviReza is the only alternative as the leader of Iran’s revolution to bring down the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Tuesday 26 September 2023

Why the #MahsaAmini Uprising Did Not Flourish as it Was Intended

 Why the #MahsaAmini Uprising Did Not Flourish as it Was Intended – House of Intellectual (

I am writing this blueprint to save the lives of Iranians fighting for freedom in Iran.

It is clear to me that the strategy adopted by Iranian dissidents to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran is nothing short of futile. Their approach is reminiscent of the coyote’s constant and unsuccessful attempts at catching the road runner in Looney Tunes cartoons. The dissidents’ repeated attempts to bring down the regime using the same old tactics are simply not working, and it’s time for a change in strategy.

Let’s define the objective of Iranian dissidents inside of Iran.

Iranians are residing in Iran who are urging for a revolution. But what is the true meaning of a revolution?

It can be said that a revolution is underway in Iran, led by a significant portion of the population who no longer wish to live under the Islamic Republic. They aspire to overthrow the current regime and establish a state that aligns with their vision, whether it be a constitutional monarchy or a republic.

As a result, Iranians declared war against the Islamic Republic of Iran, leading to a revolution.

Rule Number One: Keep It Secret

The Nozheh Coup, NEGHAB, or Mask, failed because everyone knew about the coup. All secret services worldwide knew the plotters and promised them weapons and cash. When the time came to deliver weapons and money, they did not do it and reported them to the regime in Iran. The security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran arrested them, and plotters faced summary execution.

Iranian dissidents plan uprisings by publicly announcing the gathering’s exact date, time, and location. The security forces are now able to mobilize and deploy themselves to suppress Iranian dissidents effortlessly.

When Iranians arrange a meeting beforehand and provide information about where, time and how they will show down with the regime, security forces can prepare and control the gathering. Iranians are losing their power to shape the movement.

As a result, Iranian dissidents inside of Iran must keep their plan secret that they want to do a showdown with the Islamic Republic of Iran to have the power of the element of surprise so that they can bring the regime down.

Someone may ask why not keep your blueprint a secret, but I am not a significant player, and those who are may receive this paper and implement the plan to liberate Iran.

Rule Number Two: Control the Thoughts

During World War II, the Axis and Allied Powers utilized propaganda to demoralize each other. Propaganda is a form of communication used to sway opinions and may selectively present facts.

Iran’s government employs a propaganda system to make a particular situation seem acceptable or normal. Towards the end of Khomeini’s life, as his health began to deteriorate, the regime spread rumours of his death for two main reasons. Firstly, the intention was to normalize the situation in order to avoid a power vacuum struggle when Khomeini eventually passed away. Secondly, the Iranians were less likely to mobilize themselves to overthrow the regime in Iran because they were unable to believe that Khomeini was actually dead. Iranians were used to Khomeini’s death.

From time to time, we hear rumours that Ali Khamenei is dead or he is dying. However, he is well and alive. The system is spreading rumours that he will die, and Iranians will not take action against the system in Iran.

Proposing that Iranian dissidents may consider utilizing propaganda tactics to engage in a psychological warfare campaign with the regime in Iran. Iranians can effectively challenge the status quo by strategically spreading rumours – such as the notion that King @PahlaviReza is in Iran and building an army to overthrow the regime. Such measures may be viewed as a non-violent and strategic means of resistance in the ongoing fight against the regime.

Ruler Number Three: Mislead Your Enemy

Contact sports always employ deceptive techniques to gain an advantage. For instance, Karate Kata Kusanku is a perfect example of this. This kata is specifically designed to be used at night, and the practitioner strikes the ground with their leg to distract the attacker and then delivers a powerful blow. This technique is meant to deceive the opponent and prevent them from anticipating the next move.

Iranian dissidents must allow their phones to be hacked by the Islamic Republic of Iran, as Iranian dissidents will enable the regime to use the information obtained to spread misinformation among the elements of the regime. This is especially important during freedom operations, as false information can mislead the state actors and cause them to fail their tasks.

Rule Number Four: Control the Ground & Above

When an army enters a battlefield, they seize control of the above and the ground. The aforementioned actors provide ground forces with intelligence on avoiding danger and identifying the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses.

The United States Army consists of six branches, one of which is the Space Force. The primary mission of the Space Force is to conduct space operations such as satellite-based navigation and communication, missile warning, and weather information gathering.

It is crucial for Iranian dissidents to gain control of rooftops in order to prevent security forces from using deadly weapons against unarmed civilians. By protecting people on the ground and gathering intelligence about the strengths and weaknesses of the movement, they can move closer to victory.

Rule Number Five: Protection of Night

The Greek soldiers launched a surprise attack on Troy during the night while the Trojans were asleep.

Capitan Hooshang Samadi Kalkhurani wrote in his war memoir that he utilized the cover of darkness to launch surprise attacks on the Iraqi forces, who were left in a vulnerable state due to their fatigue.

Iranian dissidents adopt the strategy of moving around at night when it is dark and security forces are less active. This approach gives them an upper hand in taking control of essential locations and cutting off state actors from their security forces.

Last, studying project management and SWOT systems presents alternative ways to overthrow the regime in addition to the strategy and tactics mentioned previously.

Sunday 10 September 2023

King of Kings @PahlaviReza as a Peacemaker and Peacekeeper

King of Kings @PahlaviReza as a Peacemaker and Peacekeeper – House of Intellectual (

The Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign policy has been marked by violence and bloodshed since the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979. The regime's actions have caused the deaths of countless innocent people, and its policies have created tension and conflict with other countries. Unfortunately, the Iranian government seems to be motivated by a desire for bloodshed and violence rather than peaceful diplomacy.

For several years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has posed severe security threats to Azerbaijan and Israel by instigating unrest in their countries.

During an official visit to Azerbaijan and Israel, King of Kings Reza Pahlavi II helped ease tensions between the two countries and the regime in Iran.

King of Kings Reza Pahlavi II did not need an army or economic resources to employ coercive force against Azerbaijan and Israel in order to reduce tension with the theocratic regime in Iran.

King of Kings Reza Pahlavi II used his prudence to reduce tension between Azerbaijan and Israel.

Therefore, it is clear that King of Kings Reza Pahlavi II, post-collapse of the Islamic Republic of Iran, will play a vital role as a peacekeeper and peacemaker in the region without using any coercive method. And stability will come back to the area. However, countries like the US, Western countries, and Russia do not want peace because the industrial military complex will not benefit from peace. 

Sunday 3 September 2023

McCarthyism of Masih Alinejad for Iran

McCarthyism of Masih Alinejad for Iran – House of Intellectual ( 

Before I illustrate the McCarthyism of Masih Alinejad, I need to define the concept of McCarthyism.

McCarthyism, also known as the Second Red Scare, was a period of political repression and persecution targeting left-wing individuals in the United States. It was characterized by a widespread campaign that sought to instill fear of alleged communist and Soviet influence in American institutions and the threat of Soviet espionage in the U.S. in the late 1940s through the 1950s. U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy was the face of this campaign, but his credibility and popularity declined after several false accusations. By the mid-1950s, McCarthy had lost much of his influence and power.

In 1991, Hollywood produced "Guilty by Suspicion," a film about the Hollywood blacklist, McCarthyism, and the House Un-American Activities Committee.

During a recent appearance on an Iran International television program, Masih Alinejad spoke out against the Islamic Republic of Iran and advocated for the prosecution of its actors, including those living abroad. 

This paper aims to explore the concept of how individuals should face their own persecution before pointing fingers at others. As the saying goes, when a person points a finger at someone else, three fingers point back at them. Therefore, the focus of this paper will be on how Ms. Alinejad herself should face persecution before accusing others. 

Finger One Pointing at Alinejad:

According to Alinejad's testimony, she was born into an ultra-conservative family. Her father was a member of Basij, a group known for being vigilant. Her father participated in the 1979 Revolution and followed the U.S. propaganda to overthrow the Pahlavi Dynasty.

Alinejad's father worked as a Besij, a state-affiliated group that would disrupt people's happy moments. This experience inspired Alinejad to become a journalist for the Islamic Republic of Iran, where she established a connection with Mohammad Khatami, a former president of Iran.

The Islamic Republic of Iran law prohibits women from singing, but Alinejad could sing a song for Mullah Khatami without facing the Islamic laws.

The Islamic Republic of Iran was adept at deception, surpassing the skills of Hitler and Goebbels.

Nazi Germany used misinformation to deceive its enemies. Similarly, the Islamic Republic of Iran manufactures dissidents who appear to be against their ideology and the system but are actually profoundly attached to it. For instance, Alinejad is one such person who deceives public opinion against the Islamic Republic of Iran and applies the policy of divide and conquer. This prevents Iranians from becoming one voice against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Finger Two Pointing at Alinejad:

Alinejad attended a celebration of life event for #PS752 with surviving family members on January 8th, 2023. During her speech, she spoke about the current unrest in Iran and concluded by stating that true peace in the Middle East can only be achieved by vanquishing Iran. 

Alinejad's comment about wiping Iran off the map was not accidental; she later commented that Iran must be defeated.

Alinejad's comment about Iran vanishing from the map reminded me of an incident involving Khomeini. When the latter was returning to Iran after fifteen years of exile, a reporter asked him how he felt about his return. Khomeini's response was simply "nothing".

Alinejad could improve her proficiency in speaking the English language. During an appearance on CNN, she said, "The public was in a bus" instead of the correct phrasing, which would have been "public on a bus."

The question is, who is her sugar daddy? War Lord George Soros or War Lord Bernard-Henri Lévy.

Finger Three Pointing at Alinejad:

The U.S. has a long history of destroying Iran due to its racist attitude toward the ascribed status of Iranians. The U.S. made a story that some individuals were trying to kidnap her and take her back to Iran. 

King Reza Pahlavi II is considered a significant threat to the safety and security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. However, the Iranian state is taking no action against him. On the other hand, Alinejad's impact on Iranian society has been negligible, and she has not been able to inspire any significant movement against the establishment of Iran.

Alinejad filed a civil lawsuit against the Islamic Republic of Iran in the U.S. and received financial compensation for her suffering.

Alinejad is the Puppet of the Mullahs in Iran:

During combat, the victorious army often allows the defeated army a chance to escape death to prevent them from fighting to the last breath, causing more casualties and winning the combat.

For example, when Christopher Columbus arrived in South America, he told his soldiers to burn the ships. He took the hope from them that they could escape the war that they were about to engage with indigenous people.

When the U.S. sent General Robert Huyser to Iran, he prevented the Iranian Armed Forces from killing Khomeini. Khomeini made a Machiavellian promise that the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces would be immune from danger. However, Khomeini slaughtered the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces members without mercy. 

Khomeini did not eradicate the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces and gave below General rank to live in fear.

When the U.S. attacked Iraq, it disbanded Iraq's army. As a result, former members of the military formed different militias.

Now, Alinejad is a puppet of the U.S., and the U.S. state actors are coaching her on what to say, and they want more bloodbaths in Iran. Alinejad is proposing for her version of McCarthyism. 

Therefore, the Iranian Armed Forces will use brute force to suppress Iranian dissidents in Iran and outside of Iran, and her comments are like poison that will prolong the longevity of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Alinejad is not a rational and pragmatic person. She lives in a world of me and does not care about others. She started a movement in Iran and asked Iranian women to remove their headscarves and challenge the authority while living peacefully in the West.

It is a known fact that Alinejad's sister is a member of Besij, a vigilant faction in Iran. Alinejad herself is part of the friendship center between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran, which aims to maintain the current regime and, once Iran's natural resources are depleted, they will turn Iran into a cloud of dust.

Let's collaborate with King Reza Pahlavi II to bring peace to the Middle East and prevent global destruction.

Monday 7 August 2023

Let’s Get to Know Narcissistic Stephen Harper

 Let’s Get to Know Narcissistic Stephen Harper – House of Intellectual (

Stephen Harper is a fanatic, radical Christian who grew up in a Christian family believing the Holy Bible was the exact word of God.

Harper belonged to the Reform Party of Canada and The Canadian Alliance Party, which are firmly based on Christian principles. It is worth noting that Preston Manning, a prominent member of this group, put forth certain propositions, such as investing pensions in the stock market and allowing them to flourish, which some found to be illogical.

It was abundantly clear that when Jean Chrétien (Liberal Party of Canada) was elected to the Prime Minister’s Office, Canadians had had enough of Brian Mulroney’s lack of luster performance during the Charlottetown Accord and NAFTA negotiations. Mulroney’s inability to excel in these critical areas left Canadians yearning for his removal from the Prime Minister’s Office.

Canada’s Prime Minister in 1995, Jean Chrétien, successfully thwarted Quebec’s attempt to secede from the rest of the country.

As time passed, Chrétien’s once-appealing charisma dwindled, and his political party displayed arrogance by exchanging gifts and favours with select influential individuals in the public eye.

Upon Chrétien’s retirement as Prime Minister of Canada, his successor Paul Martin assumed the role of Prime Minister’s Office amidst a multitude of scandals.

The Reform Party, Alliance Party, and Conservative Party faced challenges in gaining votes because the conservative votes were split between three parties, resulting in a failure to secure enough votes to form a government.

The political parties mentioned above came to the decision to merge into one conservative party in order to avoid splitting the votes between three different conservative parties. The Conservative Party of Canada was formed and previously known as the Conservative Progressive Party of Canada.

In 2005, Stephen Harper was elected as the Prime Minister, forming a minority government as Canadian citizens were unwilling to have the Liberal Party in power. It was only after Harper’s true character was revealed to the public that Canadians were willing to forgive the Liberal Party.

All federal government documents are now required to display the letterhead of Harper’s Government, as per the decree issued by Harper.

During Harper’s administration, scientific research funding was cut, and police were granted increased power to arrest individuals. The government strongly emphasized combating terrorism, but a criminal lawyer who appeared on CBC expressed concern about the wording of terrorism laws. He stated that simply uttering the word “terror” could result in serious criminal charges. Harper was able to create an atmosphere of fear in Canada, wielding his power with impunity and without restraint.

Harper exerted his authority and initiated a military attack on Muhammad Qaddafi, leading to Libya being embroiled in a civil war.

Eventually, Justin Trudeau formed a majority government because Canadians wanted to avoid Harper in Prime Minister’s Office.

Overall, Harper’s beliefs are similar to those of the Islamic Republic in Iran. He thinks that by causing chaos and corruption on earth, he can hasten the return of Jesus.

It’s not unexpected to see Harper engaging in a handshake with Maryam Rajavi, as he tends to relish using his influence to subjugate others, finding it to be a source of personal strength.

Harper may not identify as Christian, but his actions and beliefs align closely with those of clerics in Iran. He actively associates with and listens to the devil, embracing this darkness as part of his identity.

Book Review of "The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution," published by Ibex Publishers Inc., in 2014 by Peyman Adl Dousti Hagh

  Book Review of “The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution,” published b...