Wednesday 4 October 2023

People Are Leaving Canada

People Are Leaving Canada – House of Intellectual ( 

For over a decade, many Canadians have been leaving their home country to start a new chapter of their lives in European nations. This growing trend of relocation shows no signs of slowing down.

The current climate of instability has caused some YouTube bloggers to create video clips insinuating that immigrants are leaving Canada without proper explanation. However, the truth is that immigrants leave Canada for various reasons, and it's not always because they don't want to stay after working hard and leaving their home country. Understanding the diverse circumstances that lead immigrants to make such decisions is essential.

This paper discusses the history of Canada and explores the impact of Canada's accommodation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's power elite on inflation.

The history of Canada is built on the shoulders of First Nations, and the kidnapping of African people from their homelands—European settlers in Canada began to murder First Nations in cold blood and claimed their lands. 

The land required farmers to plant seeds and grow crops. White Europeans did not want to work hard, and their hands got dirty. So, they sailed the ocean and went to the continent of Africa.

Europeans kidnapped people from Africa, brought them to Canada, forced them to work on their lands for food and shelter, and faced harsh labour without any safety or security. People worked on the lands as enslaved people, and they developed a system to break away the chain of slavery. 

The First Nations and enslaved people caused Canada's economy to boom only for white people. Europeans in Canada used the legislative bodies to keep the First Nations and slaves in vulnerable conditions by passing laws such as residential schools and discriminatory laws.

Europeans in Canada used Chinese and Japanese as a scapegoat to solve their problems. Between 1881 and 1885, more than 17,000 men of Chinese origin arrived in Canada to work as labourers on the western section of the transcontinental railroad. White engineers gave them liquid dynamite to enter the caves and open the mountains to expand the railroad. Unfortunately, most of these labourers never made it back alive.

In early 1942, the Canadian government forcefully detained and dispossessed more than 21,000 Japanese Canadians, which amounted to over 90% of their population living in British Columbia. This detention was carried out under the War Measures Act and lasted throughout the Second World War.

Unfortunately, Canada has continued to uphold its racist beliefs even in contemporary times. In 2001, an article published by the Toronto Star revealed how the Toronto Police Services were involved in racial profiling. However, the issue was not just limited to the police force. An investigation by the Ontario Ombudsman uncovered that ethnic minorities were also subjected to racism in academic institutions and other areas of society.

The issue of gaining employment in Canada is sensitive as it often requires having personal connections. White Canadians call it "networking," whereas ethnic individuals call it "nepotism." This practice has gone unchecked, leading to racial disharmony in the country. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) continued their predecessors' economic dominance, leaving others with little opportunity to succeed.

As a result, many high-end jobs in Canada require higher education, but some are obtained through nepotism.

There are three main reasons why White Canadians are allowing newcomers to come to Canada at this time. Firstly, many white Canadians prefer not to work in blue-collar jobs and would rather have newcomers fill those positions while they work in white-collar jobs. Secondly, newcomers are often seen as cheap labor for white Canadians. Lastly, many newcomers tend to vote for the N.D.P or Liberal parties, as opposed to conservative parties, due to the conservative parties' anti-immigrant stance.

In this section, we will delve into the reasons behind the inflation rate in Canada. The Ukraine and Russia wars have disrupted fuel supplies and wheat from Ukraine, one of Canada's main reasons for inflation. This paper will explore several other factors contributing to Canada's inflation rate in this paper.

"Canada's oil, natural gas, and coal resources make it one of the world's most attractive energy centres for continuing investment and development." "Canada is the fifth-largest exporter of agri-food and seafood in the world, behind the EU-27 block of countries, U.S., Brazil, and China, and exported to nearly 200 countries in 2022."

Therefore, Canada must avoid any fossil fuel or food shortage. On the contrary, Canada must have plenty of food and low fuel prices.

A reasonable person would ask, why is Canada having an inflation problem?

In the 90s, following the collapse of communism in Russia, the Canadian power elite and those around the world no longer feared the spread of communism. It began to exploit the housing market in Canada.

During the 90s, former Ontario Premier Mike Harris of the Conservative Party caused a housing crisis by cutting social safety networks. The other premiers from other provinces began to do their slashing on social programs. While attending the University of Toronto, I read Jean Jacques Rousseau's work, which advocates for the abolishment of private land ownership as it is the root cause of social inequality.

Due to government inaction, the lack of affordable homes in the provinces of Canada reached epic proportions. Homelessness became a prevalent issue as people could not afford shelter. The United Nations criticized Canada in 2009 and 2010 for not doing enough to solve this issue.

The Canadian power elite started buying properties without selling them, leading to a supply shortage and increased demand for property. Around five years ago, while in Vancouver, BC, at around 8:30 p.m., I noticed that apartment buildings were facing a vacancy rate of about 90% because they didn't have their lights turned on. 

The power elite developed a tactic against Chinese people as a fifth column in Canada, causing a housing shortage in major cities. The power elite used newcomers as scapegoats to cover up their economic crimes.

Canada's economy rapidly declined after collaborating with the power elite of the Islamic Republic of Iran by providing elite accommodations. It is a commonly known fact that Canada has become a destination for investors from the Islamic Republic of Iran, particularly in the real estate industry.

Canada's economy could not absorb money, and it caused its fragile economic wheels to fall apart.

To conclude, Canada's premiers, including Mike Harris, have effectively handed the country over to the wealthy elite to exploit others through housing shortages. They blame newcomers who have purchased properties in Canada but have not fully utilized them. This tendency to blame newcomers has its roots in the early days of European settlement, where they exploited the natural resources of newcomers and placed the blame on non-white people.

The housing shortage in Canada benefits the powerful and prevents newcomers from immigrating to Canada due to racism and lack of meritocracy.

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