Saturday, 11 July 2020

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi is no Longer a Solution for Iran's Dilemma

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi is no longer a solution for Iran's dilemma. He is not performing his duty for Iran and Iranians, which bestowed upon him at his birth. He writes a letter and expresses sadness and disappointment in how Iran's regime is causing harm to Iranians and Iran. Anyone can do this act of writing.

Iranians love Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi because of his grandfather Reza Pahlavi I and his father, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi II, who implemented domestic policies of modernity and progress. However, the 1979 Revolution stopped Iran from moving forward. The 1979 Revolution in Iran caused Iran to move toward the dark ages. This paper aims to explore how the regime's misadventure cause domestic and regional unrest, and failure of Crown Prince to set a precedent to save Iran and Iranians. 

Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran's domestic and foreign policies evolve around Islamic militant values that Shia Islam, Adhere to Twelve  Saints, must be practiced around the world. The clerics in Iran's city of Qom are developing domestic and foreign policies to expand Shia Islam in the region and around the world. The clerics already legislated Islamic laws in Iran. These laws are about controlling people's movement and curbing their civil liberty. These laws are not about creating social order and peace; they are about suffocating people's right to have access to freedom of thought, opinion, and basic necessity of life. The regime in Iran's foreign policy is evolving around the notion of eradicating Israel from the map because Israel is not a legitimate state, and it is occupying Palestine. The theocratic regime invested a substantial amount of money and resources in pushing Israel from Palestine, and the regime's foreign policy failed to accomplish its objective.  The government in Iran caused more pain and suffering for Palestinian individuals and Israeli individuals. The Israel individuals have a good view of Iran and Iranians because Cyrus the Great liberated the Israelis from the captivity of Babylon.  Furthermore, Reza Pahlavi First saved Jewish from Nazi Germany's death chamber. 

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi could not act right away after the 1979 Revolution in Iran, to bring peace, order and good government in Iran because those who revolted against the Pahlavi dynasty believed in the cause of the 1979 Revolution. Four decades past from the time of the 1979 Revolution in Iran. The cleric regime in Iran has a long history of human rights violations. The system engaged in international terrorism by assassinating Iranian dissidents overseas. Thus, the regime in Iran does not have an excellent public image and already guilty in the public opinion court.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has proven to disregard the rule of law and kills Iranians when it desires.  Prince Reza Pahlavi only posts a letter on his Facebook and Twitter accounts that he is sad about what the regime did in Iran to Iranians. The elements of the theocratic regime in Iran embezzle Iran's national revenue, and his majesty feels terrible about what Iranians are facing.

When the CEO of a profit sector or an Executive Director of a non-profit industry is unable to meet the organization's objective, Directors and Board Members are casting their votes against the CEO or Executive Director so the organization could survive. Nothing personal.

In the economic term, it called fiduciary duty when the guardian could not fulfill their mission; the guardian will be relieved of her/his responsibility. Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi is born in Pahlavi Family. He had an ample window of opportunity to bring peace in Iran. Particularly during the time of January 08th, 2020. However, he remained silent. 

When Mr. Justin Trudeau ran for the second time for the Prime Minister Office, he was facing political pressure. It was very close for him to lose the election. He re-elected to the Prime Minister Office for the second time. He formed a minority government because his opponent, Mr. Andrew Scheer from the Conservative Party, failed to do his job. Consequently, the Conservative Party gave Mr. Scheer two choices, step down willingly, or the party will step you down. Mr. Scheer steps down as the party leader of the Conservative Party.

In conclusion, Iranians need to draft a petition stating in this petition that his majesty, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi Heir to Throne of Iran, is no longer a solution for Iran's peaceful resolution. Iranians need to form a council and form alliances to bring peace in Iran and the region.

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