Saturday, 14 April 2018

The Western Jihad

This paper does not endorse or advocate any means of violence. It does not take the side of any Middle Eastern despot. It is written in a fashion to build a bridge among nations and people to end this nonsense and never-ending the war which has been going on since post 9/11.

Reading academic textbooks that they published in the 90s, some advocated the policy of exporting western democracy to the rest of the world. These types of books borrowed the corporate product like Coke that how this commodity dominated the global market and enjoyed by consumers around the world. Thus, it would be rational and wise to create a similar world that there is absent of diversity. Some scholars used popular culture as a universal denominator to bring diverse cultures to one table and assimilate to the western culture because the nonwestern nations watch the western pop culture. The above notion that the rest of the world to transform itself in the culture of the west became a political end when the horrific tragedy of 9/11 happened. The US President George Bush already had his manifesto "Rebuilding America's Defence." The proclamation declared war against all nations around the world, and all countries had to come to the subjugation of the US. It was another Pax-Roman, the only difference was that this was Pax-US. It means there is peace as long as other countries would follow the US without any hesitation.  The US foreign policy of global domination was not something new. In fact, it went to the dawn of history that how a nation would build an empire by crumbling other countries. This paper aims to explore how the western powers have been destroying the Middle Eastern nations since World War Two, and incorporating the above theory in the jihad of the west.

It is beyond the scope of this paper to go through historical accounts that how one nation dominated other nations to build their empire or their New World Order. One report that resonates in mind, it was England and Russia's regime change back in 1941 in Iran, when Reza Shah Pahlavi reigned. England wanted fossil fuel to run its military machines to confront German's Wehrmacht. Russia had a common interest in England because they did not want Germany to have economic ties with Iran. Therefore, England and Russia invaded Iran. This military excursion in Iran by England and Russia caused Reza Shah Pahlavi to abdicate the Peacock Throne in favor of his son, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. There are many details in this event how England contemplated to restore Qajar dynasty in Iran. However, Prime Minister Forough played a key role not to allow Qajar dynasty to restored in Iran. Is this not an act of Jihad by the western nations against a middle eastern country?

Post 9/11 the US foreign policy began to implementing the manifesto of "Rebuilding America's Defense." The US declared war against the middle eastern nations that they were terrorist, harboring terrorism, and possessed the weapon of mass destruction. Therefore, the US had no choice but a preemptive strike to do regime change in those nations and establish western democracy in them. As time passed, it became evident that the US lied to everyone that the middle eastern countries had the weapon of the mass destruction. It was an excuse for the US to drop deadly bombs on them and turning the nations into stone ages. Is that not an act of jihad?

All in all, it would be an excellent academic paper to draft and do facts finding great details that how the western nations have been doing jihad until now. Once, it is clear for people that where the west foreign policy stand, people will stop supporting the cause of war for the jihad of the west to be implemented in other nations.

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