Monday 7 August 2023

Let’s Get to Know Narcissistic Stephen Harper

 Let’s Get to Know Narcissistic Stephen Harper – House of Intellectual (

Stephen Harper is a fanatic, radical Christian who grew up in a Christian family believing the Holy Bible was the exact word of God.

Harper belonged to the Reform Party of Canada and The Canadian Alliance Party, which are firmly based on Christian principles. It is worth noting that Preston Manning, a prominent member of this group, put forth certain propositions, such as investing pensions in the stock market and allowing them to flourish, which some found to be illogical.

It was abundantly clear that when Jean Chrétien (Liberal Party of Canada) was elected to the Prime Minister’s Office, Canadians had had enough of Brian Mulroney’s lack of luster performance during the Charlottetown Accord and NAFTA negotiations. Mulroney’s inability to excel in these critical areas left Canadians yearning for his removal from the Prime Minister’s Office.

Canada’s Prime Minister in 1995, Jean Chrétien, successfully thwarted Quebec’s attempt to secede from the rest of the country.

As time passed, Chrétien’s once-appealing charisma dwindled, and his political party displayed arrogance by exchanging gifts and favours with select influential individuals in the public eye.

Upon Chrétien’s retirement as Prime Minister of Canada, his successor Paul Martin assumed the role of Prime Minister’s Office amidst a multitude of scandals.

The Reform Party, Alliance Party, and Conservative Party faced challenges in gaining votes because the conservative votes were split between three parties, resulting in a failure to secure enough votes to form a government.

The political parties mentioned above came to the decision to merge into one conservative party in order to avoid splitting the votes between three different conservative parties. The Conservative Party of Canada was formed and previously known as the Conservative Progressive Party of Canada.

In 2005, Stephen Harper was elected as the Prime Minister, forming a minority government as Canadian citizens were unwilling to have the Liberal Party in power. It was only after Harper’s true character was revealed to the public that Canadians were willing to forgive the Liberal Party.

All federal government documents are now required to display the letterhead of Harper’s Government, as per the decree issued by Harper.

During Harper’s administration, scientific research funding was cut, and police were granted increased power to arrest individuals. The government strongly emphasized combating terrorism, but a criminal lawyer who appeared on CBC expressed concern about the wording of terrorism laws. He stated that simply uttering the word “terror” could result in serious criminal charges. Harper was able to create an atmosphere of fear in Canada, wielding his power with impunity and without restraint.

Harper exerted his authority and initiated a military attack on Muhammad Qaddafi, leading to Libya being embroiled in a civil war.

Eventually, Justin Trudeau formed a majority government because Canadians wanted to avoid Harper in Prime Minister’s Office.

Overall, Harper’s beliefs are similar to those of the Islamic Republic in Iran. He thinks that by causing chaos and corruption on earth, he can hasten the return of Jesus.

It’s not unexpected to see Harper engaging in a handshake with Maryam Rajavi, as he tends to relish using his influence to subjugate others, finding it to be a source of personal strength.

Harper may not identify as Christian, but his actions and beliefs align closely with those of clerics in Iran. He actively associates with and listens to the devil, embracing this darkness as part of his identity.

From Adam Smith to General Huyser Reflects on Contemporary Politics of Iran

From Adam Smith to General Huyser Reflects on Contemporary Politics of Iran – House of Intellectual (

I am reading Adam Smith's book "The Wealth of Nations" on page 391, the author says, "what Dercyllidas said of the court of Persia may be applied to that of several European princes, that he saw there much splendour but little, and many servants but few soldiers."

General Robert E. Huyser's book "Mission to Tehran" serves as a reminder of his covert mission to Iran, where he met with General Abbas Gharabaghi. The mission aimed to avert any attempted coup by the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces and prevent Iran from descending into chaos under Khomeini's rule.

According to Adam Smith's book, written on March 9th, 1776, his concepts are relevant to Iran's present political situation. Iranians are enduring challenging circumstances and necessitate practical approaches to dismantle oppression. Various specialists propose that a republic system, as opposed to a constitutional monarchy, could potentially be the most suitable choice for Iran's future. It is worrisome to witness individuals advocating for a republic system without thoroughly comprehending politics, as their actions may unintentionally fortify the current regime's grasp on power in Iran.

Iran does not require a theoretical debate on whether to establish a republic or a constitutional monarchy to liberate itself from the dystopian state. The country needs a capable leader such as King @PahlaviReza and a team of strategists to devise a plan to save Iran from the Islamic Republic. At a later time, the citizens of Iran can determine the type of state they would prefer through a national referendum. In the meantime, they are being manipulated as pawns through a strategy of dividing and conquering.

We need to establish a strategic plan and council to liberate Iran from the oppressive regime of the Islamic Republic in Iran and become sons and daughters of Iran to assist King @PahlaviReza in doing his job to rescue Iran from the jaws of the destruction of the authoritarian regime in Iran.

Book Review of "The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution," published by Ibex Publishers Inc., in 2014 by Peyman Adl Dousti Hagh

  Book Review of “The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution,” published b...