Sunday, 14 August 2022

Blue Eyes People Are Taking Sleeping Pills

 The western countries witch-hunted Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi for the high cost of crude oil. The high price of crude oil became the backbone of the western countries' failure in domestic and foreign policies.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi reasoned with the western countries that the price of oil increased according to the global price to offset the cost of the western goods imported into Iran.

The western countries began to cry day after day that Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi's foreign policy hurt their economy.

The western country leaders like the US, West Germany, England and France met each other in Guadalupe Island to do regime change in Iran. The above western countries installed Khomeini in power in Iran.

The western countries wanted Khomeini to be in power in Iran because the western countries' foreign policy is about perpetual war. For example, Americans became suspicious of the Vietnam War; it had no guidelines about winning the war and its objective.

The US foreign has not changed since Vietnam War; it is about identifying a nation as its enemy and satisfying the US's war machine.

The same philosophy has been continuous until now. The Islamic Republic of Iran pretends to be the enemy of the US. It is a clear-cut understanding that the Islamic Republic of Iran poses a security threat to the US. However, Shahab Hosseini and many more individuals like him living in the US that they hate the US.

The US is not the only country allowing trojan horses to enter its country. Canada is another country which is allowing the Islamic Republic of Iran's trojan horses to enter Canada, make a campaign contribution to their political parties and use them as a pawn to advance the interest of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Canada. The above issue was documented by me back in 2006, and now Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) confirms what I said a long time ago.

The end product of sleeping pills compromises the safety and security of western countries. On Friday, August 12th, 2022, a Muslim man used a knife to kill Salman Rushdi because Khomeini issued a religious decree against Salman Rushdi for publishing the "Satanic Verses."

I also last week published an article that Khameini resurrects the 1981's god with a vengeance.

In the end, the western countries are about to face a wide range of terrorism because the western countries' politicians accepted campaign contributions from the Islamic Republic of Iran's trojan horses to become lenient toward the brutality of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The brutality of the Islamic Republic of Iran will torch the world for a long time.

Copyright © 2022 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH 

All Rights Reserved

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