Sunday, 21 August 2022

Iranian Wants To Restore Pahlavi Dynasty

 When Iranians gather around a football stadium to watch a soccer game, they spontaneously shout, "Reza Shah; God Bless Your Soul." The Islamic Republic of Iran's political actors does not like Iranians remembering Reza Shah as a benevolent historical figure who outlines a blueprint for his son Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi to move Iran toward modernity and progress. 

The blueprint of Reza Shah Pahlavi's modernity and progress was interrupted by external political interventions of foreign countries at two different times.

During World War Two, Reza Shah the Great declared Iran a neutral state. England and Russia did not honour Iran's position and invaded Iran. The military excursion of England and Russia caused death and destruction to Iran's infrastructure. 

Iran's army could not defend the national sovereignty of Iran, and Reza Shah the Great stepped down from the Peacock throne. It provided a window of opportunity for England to exploit Iran one more time by proposing a former Qajar Prince. However, Prime Minister Mohammad Ali Foroughi did not allow a former Qajar Prince to become the head of state of Iran. His Excellency Mohammad Ali Foroughi made sure Mohammad Reza Pahlavi became the head of state of Iran.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi followed his father's blueprint to modernize Iran. However, the western countries disliked what the King was doing for Iran. The western countries deemed Iran their colony and did not want Iran to become a modern country.

The US wanted the King to become the puppet of the US and wage war in the Middle East region. In one interview, Mike Wallace is accusing the King as an unreliable ally of the US. The King did not want to wage war against any country. Mike Wallace accused the King of robust Imperial Iranian Armed Forces because the King wished to invade neighbouring countries when Iran ran out of crude oil. 

The Guadeloupe conference of 1979 was the final point the US-Jimmy Carter, England, France and West Germany wanted to stop modernity in Iran and move Iran's clock backward by supporting the leader of the religious faction Khomeini.

In 1979, the western countries accomplished their goals of stopping the blueprint of the Pahlavi Dynasty toward modernity and progress.

In one video clip, Hussein Ali Montazeri says candidly that Iranians before the 1979 Revolution were gullible, and the clerics deceived Iranians to accomplish the 1979 Revolution. Now, Iranians have access to information.

The Islamic Republic of Iran's founder Khomeini gave a lofty speech about how Iran would live in a free-ride society and that Iranians did not have to pay for anything. 

As time passed by, Iranians lost self-dignity and self-respect. The regime began to clamp down on Iranian by legislating laws in stark contrast with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, such as not following the dress code rules of the Islamic Republic of Iran. For example, Sepideh Rashnou is a prime example of how she was witch-hunted by the system and not she is imprisoned and flagrant charges brought against her like collaborating with the enemy of Iran for fomenting unrest in Iran.

The biggest threat to the existence of the Islamic Republic of Iran stems from its ideology that no longer resonates with Iranians. Iranians want to live in modern and progressive times and do not live in the superstition of religion.

Iran's iconic soccer player Ali Karimi deems Saint Hussein's lamentation, which involves free food in people's homes or mosques, as a band-aid solution to Iran's poverty which vaporized the middle class in Iran. The clerics did not like Ali Karimi's tone of language and attacked him by being verbally combative toward him. Iranians turned their back to the clerics, and for a brief moment, Ali Karimi became a paladin for Iranians like Babak Khoramdin. 

As Iranians were cheering for Ali Karimi, Empress Farah Pahlavi surprised everyone by releasing an article that Her Imperial Majesty was ready to return to Iran.

Empress Farah Pahlavi's article sent a shock wave to the head of state of Iran, Ali Khamenei, that his days were numbered as the ruler of Iran because Iran soon will be liberated from the tyranny of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Ali Khamenei ordered a decree to the follower of the Islamic Republic of Iran to be ready to seize the streets to prevent another revolution in Iran.

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi is calling on the armed forces of Iran, whether the military branch, the Revolutionary Guard or People's Mobilization, to join people and not aim the gun's barrel at them.

In conclusion, Iranians have been striving for the liberation of Iran since 1979. Iranians must remain vigilant about one fact; the western countries are not their friends in liberating Iran. The western countries want Iran to stay in the dark ages. The western countries would use resources to divide and conquer Iranians over past grievances, such as the 1953 Coup.  

The demise of the Islamic Republic of Iran is closer than what the regime or western countries think because Iranians have no connection with the Kleptocracy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. They want Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi to continue the blueprint of Reza Shah the Great and Greatness for Iran.

Copyright © 2022 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH 

All Rights Reserved

Sunday, 14 August 2022

Blue Eyes People Are Taking Sleeping Pills

 The western countries witch-hunted Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi for the high cost of crude oil. The high price of crude oil became the backbone of the western countries' failure in domestic and foreign policies.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi reasoned with the western countries that the price of oil increased according to the global price to offset the cost of the western goods imported into Iran.

The western countries began to cry day after day that Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi's foreign policy hurt their economy.

The western country leaders like the US, West Germany, England and France met each other in Guadalupe Island to do regime change in Iran. The above western countries installed Khomeini in power in Iran.

The western countries wanted Khomeini to be in power in Iran because the western countries' foreign policy is about perpetual war. For example, Americans became suspicious of the Vietnam War; it had no guidelines about winning the war and its objective.

The US foreign has not changed since Vietnam War; it is about identifying a nation as its enemy and satisfying the US's war machine.

The same philosophy has been continuous until now. The Islamic Republic of Iran pretends to be the enemy of the US. It is a clear-cut understanding that the Islamic Republic of Iran poses a security threat to the US. However, Shahab Hosseini and many more individuals like him living in the US that they hate the US.

The US is not the only country allowing trojan horses to enter its country. Canada is another country which is allowing the Islamic Republic of Iran's trojan horses to enter Canada, make a campaign contribution to their political parties and use them as a pawn to advance the interest of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Canada. The above issue was documented by me back in 2006, and now Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) confirms what I said a long time ago.

The end product of sleeping pills compromises the safety and security of western countries. On Friday, August 12th, 2022, a Muslim man used a knife to kill Salman Rushdi because Khomeini issued a religious decree against Salman Rushdi for publishing the "Satanic Verses."

I also last week published an article that Khameini resurrects the 1981's god with a vengeance.

In the end, the western countries are about to face a wide range of terrorism because the western countries' politicians accepted campaign contributions from the Islamic Republic of Iran's trojan horses to become lenient toward the brutality of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The brutality of the Islamic Republic of Iran will torch the world for a long time.

Copyright © 2022 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH 

All Rights Reserved

Ali Khamenei Resurrects the 1981/1360s god

 Ali Khamenei resurrects the 1981A.D./the 1360s (Solar Calendar of Iran) god because the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) is in crisis. One way to define the notion of politics is in light of managing conflict. The IRI has one rule to address domestic and foreign politics by executing the Machiavellian Fear, Fraud and Force doctrine. It is the legacy of the founder of the IRI, Khomenei and pioneers of the IRI like Sadegh Khalkhali, Ali Khamenei and Hashemi Rafsanjani. The end product of such policy is absolute control over Iranians who would obey the state rules without questioning anything under the shadow of fear, fraud and force.

The Islamic Republic of Iran's domestic policy has three phases. Phase one is torture and bloodshed—phase two promises to reform brutal policies. The last phase is another cycle of killing gentle as a reminder to Iranians that they must obey the Islamic Republic of Iran or face death.

In 2022, Ali Khamenei Resurrects the 1981 AD/ the 1360's (Solar Calendar) god, which means when the Islamic Republic of Iran established itself in 1980, Khomeini appointed cleric Sadegh Khalkhali as the Chief Justice of the Revolutionary Court. Khalkhali played a significant role in torturing and killing Imperial Iranian Armed Forces members, SAVAK agents, ordinary Iranians, and two children in his account without due process. He believed the component of due process was a western idea and Iran was an Islamic state. Thus, the mechanical system of due process had no relevance in an Islamic court. 

Khalkhali was a psychopath, and his mental illness was caused by his action when he was apprehended during the Pahlavi Dynasty by SAVAK agents who charged him with a terrorist criminal offence and brought him before the judicial system. In a fair trial, an impartial judge was found guilty of a terrorism offence in the presence of his defence attorney. Remember, during the Pahlavi Dynasty, the cleric class had prestige and honour in Iranian society, and all facets of society respected them. Therefore, Khalkhali's criminal conviction was not a light task to do.

Khalkhali rejected the 1963 White Revolution of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi's domestic policy of abolishing feudalism in Iran, implementing a welfare liberal economic system, and moving Iran toward modernity and progress, which included women's suffrage and women's liberation from patriarchal societal values. All the above actions relinquished the chain of slavehood of Iranians from the clerics, and Iranians became free from the mullahs' superstitions. 

Khalkhali was a student of Khomenei who organized and mobilized reactionary individuals to cause social disorder by vandalizing public properties in big cities like Tehran because they wanted Iran to follow the Islamic rules and Iran's doors remained closed to the new world order.

Khalikhali's apprehension by Iran's secret service SAVAK believed he was a hero. So the whole world must know him due to his imprisonment.

When Khomeini returned to Iran after fifteen years of exile, Khalkhali joined Khomeini's inner circle to push other factions out of the political scene and form a Shia-Sect of Islam in Iran with the plan to expand the Shia-Sect of Islam globally.

Khomeini and pioneers of the Islamic Republic of Iran, like Khalkhali, said many times that they cared less for Iran; they only cared for the Shia-Sect of Islam to become a universal religion.

Khalkhali sat on the Chief Justice bench and signed countless death sentences without due process. He also signed a pregnant woman's death sentence, and Khalkhali signed a hairstylist woman's death sentence because the Revolutionary Guard agents sought after a sex worker. And the hair stylist was not the sex worker. 

The public outcry began to spread in four corners of Iran. Khomeini, Khamenei and Hashemi Rafsanjani made a public appearance and supported Khalkhali's kangaroo courts. They believed killing people was the only viable option to remain in power.

Khalkhali remained steadfast in his cause and never regretted what he did. He was the product of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He was a clear example: The Islamic Republic of Iran could not be reformed in the political term of managing conflict; it is a totalitarian regime. 

The next phase of the Islamic Republic of Iran was the Reform Movement, and the main character was cleric Mohammad Khatami. Ali Khamenei selected Khatami for the president's office from 1997 to 2005, and Iranians thought they voted for him during the electoral process. Ali Khamenei has the religious title of Ayatollah, which means Sign of God; he regards himself as the Guardian of Iranians because Iranians do not know any better. Khamenei decides who will do what. Iranians participate in a pre-arranged electoral and think they are voting for their choice of candidates.

At this time, the Islamic Republic of Iran faced a massive unemployment rate as youths graduated from high schools, colleges and universities. There was no war with another country to deploy the youths to the landmines to die and face brute machine guns to slaughter them. There were no political forces inside of Iran and outside of Iran to confront the Islamic Republic of Iran's legitimacy in parliament or outside of the parliament. 

The regime wanted to prevent any grassroots movement in Iran. It reinvented itself by saying it is reforming itself. This is the stage of fraud for the students from high schools, colleges and universities to remain optimistic about their future and not to organize and mobilize themselves against the IRI.


The actors of the Islamic Republic of Iran regard Iran as their booty. They are working relentlessly to plunder Iran's wealth and stash Iran's wealth in foreign countries to make the foreign countries' 1% richer. Foreign countries like Canada are doing elite accommodation and lowering Canada's standard in human rights as Hashemi Rafsanjani built HWY 407 in the province of Ontario and bought the Center Point Mall. 

Iran's economy has begun to shrink because money is not staying in Iran to create job opportunities for Iranians. On top of that, the US economic sanctions made Iran's economy face an inflation rate, and purchasing power began to shrink.

In this era, the Islamic Republic of Iran began to press hard on its foreign policy of expanding the Shia-Sect of Islam globally. The actors of the Islamic Republic of Iran started to wage holy wars against Israel and western countries. The battles and wars did not produce any favourable outcome for the IRI. 

Former US President Donald Trump imposed severe economic sanctions against the IRI to curb the regime's enthusiasm for pursuing atomic bombs. The economic sanctions cripple Iran's economy. Donald Trump's monetary policy against the IRI moved Iran to phase force. 

In the phase of force, the IRI still kills people inside Iran. It does not do assassinations outside of Iran. The IRI cut the fingers of the individuals for theft. Women are reminded to cover their hair, and people are encouraged to participate in Saint Hussien's procession.

The IRI reached the point of Karl Marx's proletarian Revolution due to Trump's economic sanctions crippling Iran's economy.

The regime in Iran shifted to stage one, which is fear. It will torture and kill people in cold blood because Ali Khamenei is facing the biggest crisis of his lifetime. The new generation has no connection with the Revolution of 1979 ideology. The new generation has no hope for a better future; the Islamic Republic of Iran propaganda machine made a catchy pop song, "Hello Commander." The piece illustrates that youths are ready for their commander to deploy them to combat zones. 

The reality is different than what the above song says; the disconnection of ideology is deeply rooted between Iranians and actors of the regime. Iranians know that the actors' children live in western countries at taxpayers' expense while they are deprived of basic life needs. 

Ali Khamenei called for the 1981 god to return to Iran to suppress Iranians. Anyone in slight contradiction with anything faces an imminent death sentence, torture and cruelty.

The Islamic Republic of Iran's moral entrepreneurs are loitering streets and are targeting women who do not observe the compulsory Islamic law sub-section headscarf. The such policy breaches the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 18, Freedom of Conscience; the case of Sepideh Rahsnou is a prime example of how the regime in Iran tortured her and forced her to make television appearances to confess to a crime while she had internal bleeding on the state media of the IRI.

The IRI commenced a massive witch hun campaign against religious minority groups by destroying their public properties or executing individuals converted from Islam to Christianity. The IRI waves of terror won't remain within its border. The IRI will or already deployed assassins outside of Iran to kill Iranian dissidents as a reminder that Iranians are unsafe too outside of Iran.

Therefore, Ali Khamenei's 1981 or 1360 (Solar Calendar of Iran) god resurrects with total and absolute vengeance. Iranians do not have a leader in organizing and mobilizing themselves to break away from the chains of totalitarianism of the IRI. The regime may last another century if Iranians remain divided on their past grievances.  

The regime has a stroke of good luck right now to remain in power but does not have the fortune to stay in control. The fortune is on the side of Iranians because their collective conscience is awaking that the IRI is not part of Iranian identity. It is a foreign entity which is sucking Iranian blood.

The final word is with His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza Pahlavi; where are those people like Jimmy Carter who promised Human Rights for Iranians to revolt against the Pahlavi Dynasty to save them from death and destruction?

Copyright © 2022 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH 

All Rights Reserved

Medusa is the Mullah’s Turban

  A Persian expression conveys a strong message about the role of mullahs in Iranian society: if a person lifts a mullah's beard, it rev...