Sunday, 13 December 2020

Western Media Distorting Facts

 Iran executes journalist found to have encouraged 2017 protests - The Globe and Mail

On Saturday, December 12th, 2020, The Globe and Mail published an article under the title of "Iran executes journalist found to have encouraged 2017 protests" about Mr. Rouhollah Zam, an independent journalist Paris-France. The report failed to illustrate how Mr. Zam wanted to have civil-society for Iranians. However, The theocratic regime in Iran accused Mr. Zam of the act of subversion. The Globe's report lacked research to illustrate why Mr. Zam return to Tehran-Iran.

Mr. Rouhallah Zam was coming from a conservative family. His father, Mohammad Ali Zam, was a cleric and worked for the Islamic Republic of Iran's culture ministry. Mr. Mohammad Ali Zam named his son Rouhallah because Khomeini was called Rouhallah. Rouhallah means "Spirit of Allah." 

During the Reform Movement's height from August 03rd, 1997 to August 03rd, 2005 in Iran, as Mohammad Khatami was president of Iran who promised civil-society for Iranians, Mr. Rouhallah Zam joined the Reform Movement in Iran to enjoy civil-society not only for himself but for everyone else. The theocratic regime in Iran apprehended him. Mr. Rouhallah Zam sometimes spent in the infamous prison of Evin. When he left prison, he promised to dedicate his life to challenge the theocratic regime's legitimacy and authority in Iran. He went to Malaysia, and later on, he went to Turkey, and from Turkey, he went to France as a refugee with his wife and two daughters.

He launched an independent media in Paris-France, and called it "Amad News." It means the News Arrived. The mandate of the Amad News was to expose corruption within the echelon of the theocratic regime in Iran. He received the information within Iran's theocratic regime on how the clerics funnel monies from Iran to foreign financial institutes. Mr. Zam also acquired evidence about how the regime's critical players involved in a debauchery lifestyle. 

The cleric's security apparatus deployed Ms. Shirin Najafi to contact Mr. Zam. In the intelligent service, women were a great asset to deceive men and called Parastoo for two reasons. First, women did not pose physical harm to anyone. Last, women's soft image reminded any men as their sisters or mothers for caring for the loved one.  

Therefore, Mr. Zam dropped his guard down against Ms. Najafi and took her advice. Mr. Zam worked with Ms. Najafi for five years. On one occasion, Ms. Najafi told Mr. Zam that cleric Ali al-Sistani in Iraq had funds to operate his operation. Mr. Zam must go to Iraq to meet cleric Sistani in person. 

Mr. Zam trusted Ms. Najafi and traveled to Iraq to meet Mr. Sistani. When Mr. Zam arrived in Iraq, Iran's security forces, with Iraqi forces' assistance, apprehended Mr. Zam in Iraq. Iran's security forces transported Mr. Zam to Iran to face criminal charges of waging war against Allah.

Since its inception, Iran's regime is kidnapping and assassinating Iranians inside of Iran and outside of Iran. The agents of Iran's assassin team targeted Mr. Arsalan Rezaei, and on Saturday, December 12th, 2020, the assassin team killed Mr. Rezaei in Turkey. 

The Iran regime is murdering people in cold blood; the western media outlets are distorting facts about the administration's victims and presenting them as trouble makers. The regime's victims wanted a space to express their views on how the authority in managing its affair. They are asking for social justice so everyone in Iran would access to the basic necessity of life. 

Mr. Rouhallah Zam was a true hero. He could have become one of the Rich Kids of Tehran. However, he decided to stand up for social justice and paid the ultimate price for it. Sadly, the western media outlets such as The Globe and Mail are downplaying Mr. Zam's death. 

Copyright © 2020 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH

All Rights Reserved

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