Saturday, 27 June 2020

Darren J. Butt, Police and Race Issues

Why is this person having an assault rifle when we are not at state of war or civil war?

On Saturday, June 27th, 2020, I checked my LinkedIn account and saw a female police officer picture posted. The photo posted by Mr. Darren J. Butt. The image was a public relations campaign to give a soft perception of policing in North-America. The photo used a female person; it did not use a police officer who pumped up with enhancement supplements. In the background of the picture, there was an assault rifle. 

I am living in an atmosphere of racism and racism institutionalized; it was a matter of concerning to see a police officer had the power to carry a deadly weapon and to use deadly force. Universal Declaration of Human Rights protects me under article three: 

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”2

I made some questions about this matter. Mr. Butt questioned me if I was a police officer? I saw this line of police talk back in the 90s when Toronto Police Officer Mike McCormack, whose father was a Chief of Police for Toronto Police Services, did whatever he wanted. 1

When I pointed the above facts to Mr. Butt, he accused me of being a criminal. 

“Wow…I feel a lot of hated from you. Can I assume (now that we are clear on question framing) that you are have a criminal background? Regardless, even a criminal has rights and your opinion does matter in this division as well. Bravo to you! Can I ask what you were charged with and whether you were found guilty or not guilty?

I responded to him in this fashion:

I am not a criminal. You are a criminal. It is your past crimes of murdering aboriginal people and stealing lands from them. It is your past crimes of enslaving Africa-Americans. You are a bigot and racist person who sees non white people as a criminal while someone like me is talking about social justice. You are a pure, born criminal. It is natural for you to be criminal. It is natural for you to be a thug. I am coming from a honorable family. I would committee suicide before I dishonor my last name. Now, it is clear that you are a white privilege man who sees non-white people as a criminal. You must be one of those white people who go around and kill non-white people because they are not white. 1 Also, the US needs a regime change because people are living in tyranny. Do not think ever you or someone like you can label me as a criminal. This is why I never travelled to the US and never will do because you folks think everyone is criminal. You are a criminal.“3 

In conclusion, white people always think that someone like me is a criminal. White people have a dark, gloomy history.



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