Friday, 20 March 2020

Stop Worrying

I am writing this paper from the point of a person who experienced the 1979 Revolution in Iran. I went through the 1980 to 1988 Iran and Iraq War and lived in Turkey as a refugee from 1988 to 1991. I have been living in Canada since 1991. I faced countless challenges in my life. I even walked toward my demise intentionally. 

I am a 49 years old man and know this what I am writing; it is base on wisdom. Stop thinking that Canada is going to move toward anarchy. Canada will not be moving toward chaos due to a shortage of food, disease, or anything that comes to your mind. You, YOU will overcome this situation, YOU proved it when people of Toronto encountered 2003 blackout, no one hurt anyone. Hospitals released a report after nine months that there was a surge of newborn babies. 

I went through the cycle of titanic violence in my life. I never saw people hurt anyone. People stood side by side and helped one another. Right now, Iranians are facing a shortage of food and medicine, and Iranians are helping one another. They are not trusting in the system anymore. 

My base is Jesus and God, who in Mathew 6:25 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothes? Even if I die now because it is God's will. It means that I served God, and it is time for me to answer to Him about my deeds. We are not on this earth forever.

Oh, about those paper tissues, take one minute shower, it is a lot cleaner than anything else.

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Regime Change in Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran adopted the Machiavellian political doctrine of fear, fraud, and force. It is a system that does not have the will and consent of Iranians to govern. Thus, it is an illegitimate system; it is functioning without the approval of Iranians. The system cultivated an atmosphere of anarchy, and that is how it has remained in power in Iran. The system has a final goal to spread its plan around the globe. The regime in Iran will do that.

In the past, the western nations were not concerned about the Islamic Republic of Iran proliferating nuclear capability. The western countries assumed the regime in Iran would not be able to have atomic bombs because the United Nations would curb the system in Iran's ambition. 

Now, the world climate changed since the outbreak of the Coronavirus. The regime in Iran knows that it does not need to have nuclear power to disrupt and destroy the western nations' economies. As long as the regime in Iran can infect several individuals with deadly infections virus and deploy them around the world legally, the regime in Iran can walk away from its crime without any consequences. The system in Iran is not alone; it has allies like Russia and China that they, too, want to destroy the world.  Russia and China are pursuing venues to interfere in the domestic affairs of Canada. 1 Thus, Canada is no longer a safe place from the rest of the world. Canada does not have a land connection with rogue nations. However, the rouge nations Trojan horses can come to Canada and destroy the way of Canada.

In the past, Canada was hesitant to help Iranians dissidents to topple the regime in Iran because the regime in Iran did not pose a direct security threat to Canada. Now, the regime in Iran does pose a direct and severe security threat to Canada. It is about time Canada begins to pursue venues to topple the regime in Iran so that Canada would defend its sovereignty. 


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Value of Woman in Iran

On Wednesday, March 11th, 2020, a video clip began to circulate in social media about sexism in Iran and how patriarchy values are undermining the dignity and worth of a woman in Iran.
The video clip illustrated a member of a paramilitary faction of the Revolutionary Guard; it is called Basij attacked at a forty-two (42) years older woman under the pretext of not observing her Islamic dress code. The man in the video clip charged at the woman and began using his physical force at her. At one point, this man kicked her on her stomach. It was a heartbreaking video clip to watch. This man did not ask himself, this is a woman, if I kick her on her stomach, maybe she has a baby, and would I hurt her baby?

Hollywood actor Robert Di Nero watched the video clip on social media and commented on the incident. He wrote on his Twitter account,

"Watching this video makes one very angry.
In broad daylight in Iran, a woman walking in the street is physically harassed by a pro-regime vigilante due to her hijab.
Next time they tell you compulsory hijab is a small issue, show them this video. Many Iranian women face this."

However, the Islamic Republic of Iran's morality was not shaken by it. The system believed the action of the man was justifiable within the strutcure of the system. Thus, the system would never change. The regime in Iran deemed the value of a woman in this light that she has no dignity or worth. She dusts and grasses at the corner of society.

Understanding the Concepts

I am watching the Manoto programs. These programs are illustrating that some individuals in Iran are imitating the western scholars who are creative in their manners to approach problems. They are introducing new tools for people to solve their problems. One essence, these western academic use to solve their problems, it is the notion of spiritualism. The last idea, these scholars are using, it is the notion of reprogramming. You may please watch the video clip. These scholars have accredited Ph.D., and their words have meaning.

The idea of spiritualism is essential to understand. According to this western author who published this book about Cyrus the Great, who noticed the men during combat fought harder, those individuals did not believe in God.

I am a man who had a hard life. I think it was Jesus and God who protected me during hard times. I do not impose my ideas on anyone. I also believe those who do not believe in God; they will be going to heaven because those who do not believe in God, they have ethic codes not to hurt others. Is that what God asks us to do? Yes. Love one another.

Medusa is the Mullah’s Turban

  A Persian expression conveys a strong message about the role of mullahs in Iranian society: if a person lifts a mullah's beard, it rev...