I am not an author, and not trying to be a humble person by saying I am not an author. My English language command is inferior, and sometimes I cannot express myself in a fashion that I wish. I am self-publishing books as a way to defend Iran, Iranians, and Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi against the cartel of western media and the current illegal occupier of Iran. I have worked myself very hard to distance myself from Iran's politics. For example, I used my blog to write about positive ideas and good daily news. What happens next? I see a horrific image on television or reading a newspaper article about the atrocity of the regime in Iran against Iranians. My heart and brain cannot help but think about the welfare and well-being of Iranians. When I see Iranians face injustice in clerics' hands in Iran, I cannot hold myself back from being indifferent toward them. Sometimes, I am crying spontaneously for the kind of hardship Iranians are facing. I want to do something for Iranians to be free as a bird and fly in the sky.
I have extremely limited resources to defend Iran, Iranians, and Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. I took every measure to protect Iran's Lion and Sun flag. I used my karate skills to honor Iran's Lion and Sun flag. However, the battlegrounds are inside of Iran and outside of Iran. Inside of Iran, the clerics are doing whatever they wish and receive protection from the outside of Iran to continue their brutality against Iranians, like the cartel western media from shaping public opinion in favor of Iran's cleric. The press of the West depicts the clerics as a gift from God for Iranians.
The cartel of western media depicted the 1979 Revolution so that Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was an evil person who plundered Iran's wealth and killed Iranians randomly at his whim. The cartel of western media portrayed an image of Khomeini Hindi as a pragmatic leader who brought a grassroots movement in Iran and brought the Pahlavi dynasty down.
The cartel of western media opaqued the involvement of the West in the 1979 Revolution in Iran. The first culprit of causing havoc in Iran was the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The BBC provided a platform for Khomeini to foment a revolution in Iran. Khomeini used the BBC and preached hate and anger and asked Iranians to revolt against Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi.
The revolution began to take momentum, and Iranians assumed Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was against the country and people. The world power did not want Iran to move toward economic prosperity and modernity.
The global economy is like an economic pie. It has a limited source of food. The fewer countries eat the pie, the more portion of the pie is left for other nations to eat from that economic pie.
During the reign of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi as the head of Iran, Iran moved toward economic prosperity and modernity. During his time, Iranians attended overseas universities with the taxpayers' funds to acquire knowledge and return to Iran. Once students graduated from their programs, they returned to Iran and contributed to Iran's economic growth and technological advancement.
Western powers like England, Germany, the USA, and France did not like Iran to become an industrial nation. As US president Carter explicitly stated, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi had to be unseated from Iran's head to prevent Iran from becoming second Japan.
The Guadeloupe Conference:
The deception began when trouble makers of the world power came together to conspire violence against Iran, Iranians, and other nations in the middle east region.
The culprits of the 1979 Revolution in Iran:
Helmut Heinrich Waldemar Schmidt, born on December 23rd, 1918, died on November 10th, 2012, a German politician and member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). He served as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) from 1974 to 1982.
James Earl Carter Jr. was born on October 1st, 1924, who is an American politician. He served as the 39th president of the United States from 1977 to 1981.
Valéry Marie René Georges Giscard d'Estaing was born on February 02nd, 1926, and died on December 02nd, 2020. He was a French politician who served as President of France from 1974 to 1981.
Leonard James Callaghan, Baron Callaghan of Cardiff, born on March 27th, 1912, died on March 26th, 2005, a British politician. He served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1976 to 1979 and the Labour Party leader from 1976 to 1980.
The Location of Meeting for the Trouble Makers:
Helmut Schmidt, Jimmy Carter, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, and James Callaghan went to Guadeloupe island to discuss world affairs. The meeting started on January 04th, 1979, and finished on January 07th, 1979.
The meeting's discussions focused on:
- Iran's political crisis.
- The situation in Cambodia.
- Violence in South Africa.
- The increasing influence of the Soviet Union in the Persian Gulf.
- The coup in Afghanistan.
- The situation in Turkey.
- Low oil price
One of the main issues discussed was the political crisis in Iran, which had led to an uprising against the Pahlavi dynasty. The assembled leaders concluded that there was no way to save Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's position as the Monarch of Iran. If he remained as leader, this could further aggravate the civil war and result in Soviet intervention.
The leaders at the Guadeloupe Conference suggested Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi must leave Iran as early as possible. After the meeting, domestic protests and opposition to the Pahlavi dynasty increased. After the conference ended, the Shah's regime collapsed, and the King left Iran for exile on January 16th, 1979.
Collaborating the Ideas:
In 1961, Ebrahim Yazdi moved to the US to pursue his higher education. He inclined against Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi's regime due to the 1953 coup. When he moved to the US, the US intelligence service CIA recruited him and provided the necessary means to form an anti-establishment against Iran's regime. This establishment was known as the Freedom Movement of Iran, with Mostafa Chamran, Ali Shariati, and Sadegh Qotbzadeh. They were all part of the radical external wing of the group.
In 1963, Yazdi, Chamran, and Ghotbzadeh went to Egypt and met the authorities to establish an anti-Shah organization in the country, which was later called SAMA, a unique organization for "Unity & Action." Chamran received assassination training in Egypt.
In 1966, Yazdi moved the headquarters of SAMA to Beirut. Yaser Arafat provided assassination training to them.
In 1967, he enrolled at Baylor University and received a Ph.D. in biochemistry. (I am a professional student; I know it is not easy to attend university and study. It requires a significant amount of time and resources to pursue higher education. The US academic institute bestows academic credentials to the students that they were against the King. Even today, educational institutes in Canada and the US donate academic credentials to any students who support Iran's theocratic regime.)
In 1975, Yazdi was tried in absentia in an Iranian military tribunal and condemned to ten years imprisonment, with orders issued for his arrest upon return to Iran. Because he engaged in terrorist activities, he could not return to Iran and remained in the United States until July 1977. He became a US citizen in Houston in 1971.
When Khomenei moved to Neauphle-le-Château, a Parisian suburb, from Iraq in 1978, Yazdi also went to Neauphle-le-Château and began to serve as an advisor to the Khomeini. He was also his spokesperson in Paris. Valéry Giscard d'Estaing asked Yezdi about Khomeini's political philosophy. Yezdi wrote to him that he wanted to establish a theocracy regime in Iran. Valéry Giscard d'Estaing liked the idea. He contacted Jimmy Carter to take side with Khomeini Hindi. Mr. Carter deployed his emissary to France to speak with Mr. Hindi directly and promising him that Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi would leave Iran. He would become the leader of Iran. He had to make sure Iran's army would comply with him.

On January 07th, 1979, at Jimmy Carter and Khomeini's request, the US general Robert Ernest Huyser (while still EUCOM deputy) went to Tehran-Iran. The US general Huyser met Iranian general Abbas Qarbaqi, Chief of Staff of Imperial Iranian Armed Forces, without knowledge of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. The US general Huyser convinced the Iranian general Qarabaqi, Iran's army, to remain neutral. Khomeini also used BBC and announced to the Imperial Armed Forces that Iran's military did not need a master. Iran's army was its own master (there is an unwritten rule that the military does have the word why. It is the army's nature to have a command and control system in place.) He promoted a rankless army. It caused division in rank. Soldiers began to escape the military bases. Non-commissioned ranks did not follow the orders. Khomeini wore a black turban on his head and called himself a sayyid, which meant he was one of Muhammad's descendants and would not lie to anyone. He also provided the safety and security of anyone surrounded by him. The clerics drafted a safety letter. Several commissioned officers like Major-General Ali Neshat, who was part of the Imperial Guard, signed the letter in return for his safety. However, after the 1979 Revolution in Iran, the clerics passed every one of them, including General Ali Neshat, from the sword's sharp edge.

Other Sources:
Hussein-Ali Montazeri was one key player during the 1979 Revolution in Iran. When the US hostage crisis took place, he asked Khomeini to release the US hostages so that the US president Jimmy Carter would be re-elected during election time to the White House because Mr. Carter played a significant role in making the 1979 Revolution victorious.
Issa Kalantari is an Iranian politician and the current head of the Department of Environment. He served as minister of agriculture in Rafsanjani's presidency and the first term of president Mohammad Khatami. He admitted, during a live television interview, Mr. Carter assisted Khomeini to gain power in Iran.
The 1979 Revolution in Iran resulted from Helmut Schmidt, Jimmy Carter, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, and James Callaghan went to Guadeloupe island to discuss world affairs. The meeting started on January 04th, 1979, and finished on January 07th, 1979. They wanted Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi not to lead Iran toward modernity and progress. They wanted to have cheap oil prices and installed Khomeini Hindi, who lacked knowledge on how to behave in public and lead a nation. They installed Khomeini in power in Iran and not what the western media continually illustrates. The King was a monster, and Khomeini overthrew the King by a grassroots movement.
The western nations are thinking by destroying Iran, their countries will have more economic pie. Notwithstanding having a low price of fossil fuel, the world used an excessive amount of fossil fuel and contributed to global warming. If the world, as his majesty said many times, the blue eyes people need to stop taking sleeping pills and less relying on fossil fuel.
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