Sunday, 23 September 2018

Khomeini Hendi Feeling Nothing

In 1978, I was seven years old and did not know much about the world what was happening around me. One day, I was watching television and saw Khomeini on the television screen, who was talking to an American reporter who asked him how do you feel about coming back to Iran after 15 years of exile? He said nothing. Now, I am a man. I understand what that word means. He issued a religious order that everyone opposes his rule, must be executed, and virgin girls to be raped before execution. He deployed young minds to an eight year of war between Iran and Iraq and promised paradise to them by stepping on the landmines. 

Jimmy Carter and Time Magazine referred to Khomeini as Man of the Year and turned him into a saint so that the US would have cheap oil and perpetual war in the Middle East.

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