Saturday, 25 August 2018

An Open Letter to PM of Canada

Dear Right Honorable Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trentadue and Honorable Christina Alexandra "Chrystia" Freeland

RE: Human Rights and Freedom 

In the past several weeks, Canada is represented by Right Honorable Trudeau and Honorable Freeland that other developing nations like Saudi Arabia and Philipines are having severe issues about human rights. How about Canada. Is Canada a land of law and order? Not really, Canada, too, has human rights issues. Mr. Trudeau and Ms. Freeland do not experience human rights violation because they are coming from the power elite families or they are now part of the power elite. They do not have to worry about anything. One reason, the Liberal Party of Canada formed a government back in 2015. It was because of Right Honorable Stephen Harper, who began to legislate laws that they were real draconian laws. It was not because people wanted Mr. Trudeau to form a government.
Let's look at how police treat ethnic people in Canada compared to white people.

In this video clip, you can see a non-white person made a citizen arrest, and police charged him for exercising his legal rights. However, the second video clip illustrates that a white man assaulted several individuals for robbery, and he must call police and police to do the follow-up. Police did nothing to him. Sadly, the white culture treats him as a hero.



The above incidents are not some isolated incidents that they can be forgotten. There is another example of white culture domination in Canada. Here, some men mind their own business, and taking pictures and the police deems them as potential criminals. 


The Canadian Constitution allows Canadians to enjoy peaceful assembly. However, Canadians are assaulted and brutalized by police. 


Even police admit that Canada does not have the constitution. 


Bubbles assaulted one police officer.


One of the tricks that police officers use in Canada that they hit you with their upper body, and claim that you assaulted a peace officer. It is an ongoing issue in Canada.

The bottom line, I could draft a long letter that how Canada is a number one country in this world for violation of human rights. The United Nations is the puppet of the west and will do nothing about it. Therefore, kindly fix the problems in Canada before Canada exports its values to other nations.

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Canada has Poor Human Rights Record, Too.

  1. Immanuel Kant in his book "Perpetual Peace" says no nation to interfere in another country domestic affairs to have peace. Why did Canada question Saudi Arabia's human rights? Canada has a worst human rights record. The Aboriginal people in Canada represent 3% of the population, and they represent more than 50% of the prison system. 
  2. The Holy Bible says do not judge others, not to be judged. Plus, it means do not blame others and look inside of yourself and will discover your own mistakes. Canada has racial profiling issues in Canada and is doing nothing to fix it.1
  3. The United Nations is another example of the Western power to dominate nonwestern nations.
  4. I am not attacking at anyone or trying to make anyone feel bad. In my view, it is a racist view that the rest of the world must follow the West. Be like we or we are going to destroy you.
  5. I know my words came forward strong, but someone needs to say something here. Saudi Arabia must defend its national sovereignty. Otherwise, the US 1979 Revolution in Iran, will happen in Saudi Arabia.

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