Tuesday, 19 June 2018

MS 13 is not an animal

When first generation Iranians came to Canada, they began to experience barriers in the society. Consequently, they formed their gang, called it “Persian Pride.” As time passed by, members of Persian Pride gang noticed other Iranians who attended school; they became doctors, teachers or lawyers. There were some Iranians who launched their businesses. The Canadian society allows people to integrate into mainstream society. Therefore, the members of Persian Pride gang quitted life of crime. 1
Now, there is the US which has the melting pot policy. When newcomers are coming to the US, they face barriers at school; they cannot gain employment whatsoever. They form gangs to protect themselves from the rival gang members and providing financial security for themselves and families. They entrapped in a revolving door of crime with no prospect of breaking away from a life of crime.
Where would you want to live? Should we call them with derogatory names?
End note:

1. file:///C:/Users/padld/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe/TempState/Downloads/etd7965_PYazdi%20(1).pdf

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