Saturday, 24 February 2018

PM Trudeau vs PM Harper

When Mr. Harper was in the PMO, I was afraid of blogging. Now, we have PM-Trudeau that I can do blogging. He makes me feel belong to Canada. This is what it means to be a Canadian.
Mr. Harper was dropping bombs on developing nations in the name of democracy and freedom. Mr. Trudeau is strengthening economic ties with other nations. Other countries do not see us as a war monger. Mr. Harper claimed to be a religious man, and he dropped bombs on other nations. Mr. Trudeau does not claim to be a Christian man.
Omar Khadr received $10 M compensation because Canada is champion of human rights. This is not an isolated incident. We have not forgotten about Maher Arar.
I rest my case for this matter once for all. How ungrateful we are.

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