Saturday, 27 January 2018

I believe in the idea that the only time, we can move away from darkness to lightness by challenging the conventional wisdom of society. The act is not a new idea it goes to the dawn of history that a leader brought changes by rejected what it prescribed to the community and to follow it.
Recently a woman who works for a railway was fired due to some nude pictures that she posted on her social media. I did not see any nude picture of her. I saw some of her picture on the mainstream media that she posed like a clothing model. There was nothing which would make a reasonable person to question her. As I was thinking about this matter that she had done nothing wrong, she simply took some pictures of herself and posted on her social media. Plus, her employer acted like a Revolutionary Guards and clerics in Iran that they would go around and invade people’s privacy, and witch hunts them.
As I was walking along the road of my thoughts, I came across two video clips. One video clip illustrates that a Jewish group gathered in a place who are conservative and they are dancing. Admittedly, they are not acting conservatively. They are celebrating life. Should they lose their jobs and be shined in their communities? I watched another video clip; it illustrates that Muslims are dancing, too. I know for a fact that faith of Islam prohibits any use of musical instruments because they deemed as Satan’s tools to deceive people. Here there are conservative men who are dancing. Should they lose their jobs, and be shined in their communities?

After going through my thoughts, I concluded that we have a phobia about the human body, and we do not understand ourselves. We are running away from ourselves; we do not know who we are as a human being, how can we understand others? This is why God says love one another and do not judge one another.

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