Sunday 18 April 2021

How The US is Exploiting Poverty in Iran


It is difficult for me to write this paper. On the one hand, emotions are running around, and on the one hand, I do not have a good command of the English language. I am doing my best to defend my beloved country Iran and Iranians.

I am writing this piece with genuine sadness that I see how the US medical teams are involved in human organ harvesting in Iran. It was not bad enough that Jimmy Carter's installed Khomeini in power in Iran to plunder Iran's oil. Now, the US doctor Sigrid Fry-Revere is advocating human harvesting in Iran with the help of doctor Bahar Bastani.

On March 01st, 2014, Dr. Sigrid Fry-Revere published a book that the US has a kidney shortage. Americans cannot help themselves because, by the time potential donors come to the hospitals, the kidneys are not in good condition for the recipients. Iranian doctor told doctor Sigrid Fry-Revere to go to Iran to harvest kidneys.1

On March 12th, 2015, doctor Sigrid Fry-Revere appeared on Tedmed and spoke about her goal to respond to the US kidney shortage.2

Doctor Sigrid Fry-Revere believes that Americans have the right over Iranians because she is a privileged white person. She can go to Iran and exploit Iranians.

Economic Condition in Iran:

In March 2006, Export Development Canada published an article concerning painful conditions in Iran. This article mentioned that 75% of national income is in the hands of 10% of the population {Iran's population is 70 million}. 90% of Iran's population has access to 25% of Iran's wealth. It is a perfect recipe for exploiting individuals who do not have financial resources.

Political Situation in Iran:

The Cambridge University defines the notion of totalitarianism as a system "a government that has almost complete control over the lives of its citizens and does not permit political opposition."3

In the system of Kleptocracy, it is a form of state which has corrupt politicians enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law through kickbacks, bribes, and special favours, or they simply direct state funds to themselves and their associates. Also, kleptocrats often export much of their profits to foreign nations in anticipation of losing power.


In conclusion, doctor Sigrid Fry-Revere solves the US kidney shortage by harvesting human organs in Iran. Doctor Sigrid Fry-Revere advocates human exploitation. She is also using her gender to give a soft tone to her cruelty that she is promoting.

Iranians are struggling with poverty since the post-1979 Revolution in Iran imposed on Iranians by Western powers like Jimmy Carter and British Broadcasting Corporation made a hero and saint out of Khomeini for the whole world.

Today, Iranians can see why the US and the western powers want the mullah regime to remain in power in Iran.


1The kidney Sellers: A journey of discovery in Iran: FRY-REVERE, SIGRID: 9781611635126: ETHICS: Amazon Canada. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2021, from

2Tedmed. (2015, March 12). What can Iran teach us about the kidney shortage? Retrieved April 18, 2021, from

3Totalitarian. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2021, from

Copyright © 2021 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH
All Rights Reserved

Saturday 3 April 2021

Revelation from Hasan Abbasi How the Mullah's Economy Function


Revelation from Hasan Abbasi How the Mullah's Economy Function


At the time of the Pahlavi Dynasty, Iranians went abroad to pursue social science with public funds. Upon their arrival to Iran, they gained employment in the field of their studies. Consequently, Iran began slowly to move from a developing nation to a developed country. However, the 1979 Revolution engineered by US President Jimmy Carter, and the British Broadcasting Corporation installed Khomeini in power in Iran. Iran's progress toward a modern and developed nation stopped.

The revolutionary forces that they acquired fake academic credentials from the western educational institutes to foment revolution in Iran and those who did not achieve any theoretical knowledge. They began to shape Iran's economic policies, political policies and social policies. 

Therefore, Iran began to suffer from stagnant economic policies, political policies and social policies. It took almost forty years for the Islamic Republic of Iran to lose its identity as a savour of Iranians toward salvation and brought death and misery to Iranians.

Hasan Abbasi Contribution to Iran:

Mr. Abbasi is a Revolutionary Guard who participated during Iran and Iraq War. He provided his service to Iran. It is honourable and respectable what he did for Iran. 

Hasan Abbasi's Academic Credential:

Mr. Abbasi has given himself the academic credential title of Ph.D. in the field of Political Strategist. He is working as a university professor and teaching university students. However, there is no record of him proving which university he enrolled to gain his Ph.D.?

Hasan Abbasi and Military College:

Mr. Abbasi does not have any record to prove that he attended a military college to acquire the art of war.

Hasan Abbasi's Role at the Islamic Republic of Iran:

Mr. Abbasi is also working as a political advisor to the state of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mr. Abbasi has one strategy on his mind, engaging in asymmetrical warfare with Western nations because the western countries are infield and corrupt due to their cultural value belief system. He strongly advocates the notion of martyrdom.

Hasan Abbasi's Economy Principles:

Mr. Abbasi says that western nations have one form of economy, buying goods and services. However, the Islamic economy is focusing on selling.

Mr. Abbasi does not know how the economic system function. The financial system has two fundamental principles, supply and demand. 

The economic system functions in this format, all being equal; a seller sells its goods and or services to a buyer due to the law of the supply and demand principles at the equilibrium price. Otherwise, the market economy or any form of economic system does not work.

In the absence of a proper functioning economic system of a nation, it will fall in a state of disarray as the Islamic Republic of Iran's economy is dysfunctional and defunct now, and the mullahs handed over Iran's national sovereignty to China. 

Mr. Abbasi Shed Light on Mullahs Plan to Hand Over Iran To China:

Mr. Abbasi does not know political terminology. During his lecture on his YouTube channel, cleric Hasan Rohani wanted Iran to have an Open Door Policy with the US, and the idea stemmed from China and US foreign policy. Abbasi called this form of policy an Open Door Policy.1

China and the US did not have an open-door policy. China and the US had a ping pony diplomacy2 because China implemented the policy of autarky. However, the ping pong diplomacy opened China's communist economic system to the capitalist and liberal financial system. 

China's Bargaining Chip with the US:

Mr. Abbasi is correct when he says China had a bargaining chip with the US because China had nuclear power and was part of the United Nations Security Council's permanent seat. The Islamic Republic of Iran does not have the same advantage as China.

Mullahs Handing Over Iran to China:

Cleric Hasan Rouhani drafted a manifesto called "New China," in this manifesto, he wanted to use a similar strategy to open the US embassy in Iran. However, Rouhani failed to do so.3

Currently, the mullahs sold Iran's natural resources to China in return for military protection for one reason. The mullahs deposited Iran's assets from cash to any form of commodities in foreign banks. Thus, the mullahs made Iran's economy to become bankrupt. Iranians are impoverished and are experiencing class conflict at a high point. The mullahs have everything, and Iranians have nothing. Iranians want to save themselves from poverty and tyranny. Iranians are calling for a regime change in Iran. Iran's security apparatus feel the same way as Iranians. They are not able to have access to the basic necessity of life. 

Therefore, the mullahs brought China's army to Iran to kill Iranians at the time of the uprising. The Chinese military will execute the same tactic it used in Tibet and Hong Kong. The Chinese military will not show any mercy to Iranians. 

China is exploiting Iran's natural resources, whether it is in the body of water of the Persian Gulf and other natural resources. Chinese corporations will disregard environmental issues and will cause environmental degradation. Most importantly, Iran does not have a labour law. The Chinese corporates will abuse and exploit Iranian workers in their factories. 

End Game:

The end game is between Iranians against the mullahs and the Chinese military. Iranians do not want the mullahs in Iran. Iranians will speak against the regime in Iran. The Chinese military will respond with the Iron Fist against Iranians. Iranians are unlike the Chinese because Iran's culture is all about being standing up for justice. The Chinese culture, mentality and values are all about being subservient to a higher power. As Samuel P. Huntington discussed his theory of Clash of Civilizations, it may happen in Iran. 


1دکترعباسی ـ چرا لیبرال ها با پیشرفت ایران مخالف اند؟. (2021, February 25). Retrieved April 03, 2021, from

2Sens, A. G., & Stoett, P. J. (2014). Global politics: Origins, currents, directions. Toronto, Onario: Nelson Education.

3دکترعباسی ـ چرا لیبرال ها با پیشرفت ایران مخالف اند؟. (2021, February 25). Retrieved April 03, 2021, from

Book Review of "The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution," published by Ibex Publishers Inc., in 2014 by Peyman Adl Dousti Hagh

  Book Review of “The Memoirs of Nasrollah Tavakoli, The First Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army after the Islamic Revolution,” published b...