Friday, 28 December 2018

Do Not Infring My Rights

I have Constitutional Right to say Merry Christmas to anyone that whom I please. I have Constitutional Right to practice my Christian faith. Kindly do not send me a message what I can say or not.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms of 1982 is part of Canada's Constitution. The Charter protects every Canadian's right to be treated equally under the law. The Charter guarantees broad equality rights and other fundamental rights such as the freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion.

Friday, 21 December 2018

Do Not Be Angry at God or Jesus

Please do not be angry at God or Jesus because you are going through emotional and physical pain. This life is a place of test, as God says in the Bible, the gates to His Kingdom is narrow, and steep hills. The Beatitude teaches us that those who believe in God, He will test us hard to prove that we are worthy of Him.

Medusa is the Mullah’s Turban

  A Persian expression conveys a strong message about the role of mullahs in Iranian society: if a person lifts a mullah's beard, it rev...